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2018 Outreach and Cultural Exchange

LBV campaign b.PNG

We are so excited to be able to go back to Mexico and NYC in 2018! 

Please help us reach our goal of $10,000 to help give the gift of dance. 

HELP us share our passion for dance and culture while serving and educating at-risk communities in Mexico, and paying tribute to the iconic Puerto Rican community in New York City! 

In New York City, the Latin Ballet will be celebrating the Puerto Rican communities' stories of struggle, determination and assimilation during Puerto Rican heritage month with NuYoRican.

The artists of the Latin Ballet will be in Mexico with performing MUJERES, visiting impoverished urban and rural communities, teaching and performing at schools, centers for youth with special needs, hospitals, and nursing homes. We will also be exchanging cultural dance styles with The Mexican National Folklore Company. (Contemporary, Flamenco, Hip Hop, and Mexican Folklore). 

It is our aim to forge connections through the universal experience of dance.