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Latin Ballet presents the Perfect Gift

Looking for the Perfect Gift?

Latin Ballet has you covered!

Not sure what gifts to bestow on family and friends?

We have the perfect solutions for you!

There are many ways to show them you love them, but what better way than giving the gift of dance! Whether they use it for a class or for a performance, LBV Gift Certificates are a wonderful way to experience the vibrant and passionate world of Latin Ballet.

Purchase your Latin Ballet gift certificates now!

Physical gift cards are also available through our office. Email or call us today (804.356.3876) to purchase.

Latin Ballet of Virginia Gives a ¡Muchas Gracias!

As we sit around the table to give thanks for all in the past year, we wanted you to give you our gratitude.

THANK YOU for being a part of our audience and attending our performances. 

THANK YOU for giving your children an opportunity to learn about culture, history, and language. 

THANK YOU to all the educators and teachers we've had the pleasure of working with.

THANK YOU to all of our dancers, guests, musicians and staff for giving their time and talents to Latin Ballet.

THANK YOU all for your belief in us, it is what keeps us motivated, inspired and striving for excellence.

Most of all THANK YOU to all who have given generous donations this year. We are forever thankful!

We would like to give a special thank you to all our sponsors and donors this year. Our success is possible through your generosity.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Ana I. King, Artistic Director and Founder and Latin Ballet of Virginia