Tuesday Classes/Martes Clases


Contemporary Ballet - Rumba Flamenca, Toro Torito with Ana Ines Barragan King
Level 2-3
Ages 8-12

Spanish Ballet - Flamenco with Ana Ines King
3-5 years old

Flamenco Nivel Basico/Medio
Ages: 11 and up

Remember all that we have learned this semester. Tecnica de Pies, Alegrias, Tangos y Sevillanas with Ms Ana Ines Barragan King

Classical Ballet Technique with Fernando Sabino

Classical Ballet Choreography with Ms Ana Ines King

Flamenco Nivel Basico with Ms Ana Ines King

FLAMENCO with Ms Maya and Ms Ana Virtual class of May 19th from 3 to 4:30 pm

Spanish Ballet - Flamenco 3-5 Years old with Ms Ana Ines King

Rumba Flamenca Choreographies All Levels of Flamenco with Ms Ana Ines King

FLAMENCO Tecnica de Pies - Marcajes / Alegrias with Antonio Hidalgo Paz and Ana Ines Barragan KingNivel Basico y Medio.

GRACIAS to Estelle Brousseau!

The amazing artists who will serve as judges are former dancers/faculty of the Latin Ballet of Virginia:

Pedro Szalay, Erin Mitchell Nelson, Erica Pike, Will Sterling Walker and Annielille Gavino - Gracias Amigos for helping our Familia to grow!

LOVE and Besitos to all

Choreography Contest videos
GRACIAS to the Ballerinas who sent videos for the Choreography Competition 2020.

Gracias Rebeca Dora Barragan for sending us your wonderful choreography!

GRACIAS Caroline Bell for sending your wonderful choreography.

Latin Ballet with Ms. Ana
Contemporaneo class for our Bailarines
7-12 years old

Spanish Ballet with Ms. Ana
Flamenco for our little "Bailarines"
3-5 years old

Aprende los colores del semáforo (traffic light), Los animales (the animals), nuestro cuerpo (our body), Merengue and Viva la Música!

GRACIAS Riley Bell!💖😘

Brooke Bell for sending us your wonderful choreography!


Salsa-Flamenco Workout with Ms Ana

Classical Ballet Level 1 and 2 with Ms. Ana

Spanish Ballet - Flamenco with Ms. Ana
 3-5 years old

Flamenco Level I with Ms. Maya
5-9 years old

Flamenco Level II with Ms. Maya
9-13 years old

Flamenco Nivel Medio - Tecnica de Pies with Ms. Ana
Teen and Adult

Tuesday Classes with Miss Maya
Flamenco Level
6-9 years old

Flamenco Level II with Miss Maya
9-13 years old

Continuing with last week's choreography

Ballet Technique with Ms. anan

Please review your class of Ballet Technique. Please make sure you start learning the line dances of La Bamba, Fruta Fresca and Viva la Musica.  They are at the end of this video.  We will be performing them at festivals and events this Fall.


Mamis/Papis, please ask the children to learn "Viva la Musica" Flamenco dance shown at the end so they start building repertoire for performing this Fall.

Para todas las Mamis/Papis, por favor decirle a sus niños que practiquen mucho la danza de flamenco "Viva la Musica" (al final del video) para que la bailen en las presentaciones de otoño.

Flamenco Nivel Basico

11 years old to adults

I would like that all ages of Flamenco learn the Tangos line dance with moms and dads to start building our repertoire for this Fall festivals and events.

Camila Obando, Former Junior Company dancer sent this video for the Latin Ballet Familia! 

This is choreography from African renown artist, Hope Maimane who authorized Camila to share with us. 

We hope this inspire you to send your videos of dancing at your own home

Técnica de Flamenco y Castañuelas
Nivel Básico y Medio

From Antonio Hidalgo Hidalgo Paz.
Directly from Spain to your home!

Flamenco Nivel Medio
Teen & Adult

Bata de Cola class - Flamenco Festival in Jerez, Spain. Choreography by Inmaculada Aguilar

Flamenco Level 1 
6-9 years old -  Tuesday at 5:30 pm - Glen Allen

Flamenco Level 2 
9-13 years old -  Tuesday at 4:30 pm - Glen Allen

Spanish Ballet - Flamenco 
3-5 years old
Tuesdays at 3:30 pm

Dance and Sing alone with Ms Ana

Don’t forget to record or take photos of you dancing and share them with Latin Ballet Familia!

Ballet Technique Level 1-2
Tuesdays 4:30 and 5:30 pm

Remember to share your video dancing along with the class or practicing at home :)


Spanish Ballet - Flamenco
3-5 years old

Dear LBV Family, please review the Spanish Ballet class for 3-5 years old (Tuesday 3:30 pm - Glen Allen) for your children and you to follow along.

Ms. Teri and Ms. Ana will be right here at the same time of your class to dance with you! We would love to see your photos or video of your little ones dancing and exercising with our instruction. 

In two weeks we will direct you to different ways of learning. We welcome any suggestion you may have to make our system better.

Sending you LOVE and Strength :)

TUESDAY 4:30 and 6:30 PM
Flamenco Level 1 and 2
Children 9-12 years old and Adult Flamenco Level 1

Directly from Spain from Mr. Antonio Hidalgo Paz and his lovely sister, Araceli Hidalgo Paz for YOU! We thank Antonio and Araceli for contributing to our lessons from your home to our homes.

With Love,
Mr Antonio Hidalgo and Araceli Hidalgo

TUESDAY 4:30 and 5:30 PM
Glen Allen
Spanish Ballet Level 1 and 2

Dear LBV Familia, please review our video instruction for the Latin Ballet class Level 1 and 2

With Love,
Ms. Teri

Flamenco Level 1
6-9 years old

For our Flamenco children age 6-9 years old. Ms Maya will be right here for you at the time of your class.

With Love,
Ms. Maya

Flamenco Level 1 & 2

Learn Sevillanas and basic Flamenco technique from home with Ms. Ana.